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Replace Your Wood Stove or Insert - Massachusetts Change-Out Program

10 January 2013      

The Commonwealth Wood stove Change-Out Program assists Massachusetts residents with the cost of replacing non-EPA-certified wood- or wood-pellet- stoves with high efficiency, low emissions wood stoves or fireplace inserts, or pellet stoves or fireplace inserts.

Applications may be submitted on or after Jan. 18, either by mail or electronically at once the second round of funding becomes available.
Traditional wood stoves and inserts and pellet stoves and inserts are commonly used in Massachusetts as a source of heat throughout. A high efficiency, low emission replacement stove or fireplace insert will substantially improve air quality.

For more information on the change-out program, or for information on replacing your wood or pellet stove  or fireplace insert, contact Fireplace Showcase.

Fireplaces, Pellet Stoves, Inserts MA, RI Blog

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