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Fireplace Screens And Their Importance

30 August 2010      

Our blog generally has a lot of different safety tips or information about stoves and chimneys. You can never be too careful with fire, although the fire is in a controlled environment with our fireplaces or chimneys, accidents can happen. In this blog we'd like to share with you some great information about fireplace screens. They are an essential and important fundamental part to any lovely fireplace you have inserted in your home.
Screens around fireplaces and wood stoves do more then just protect your carpet from flying sparks - they protect people - especially children - from serious burns. Whenever you are burning in your fireplace or wood stove it is very important to have a screen in place. Most screens are very lightweight. This makes it easy for them to be moved when required so that you can load wood into your stove. It also means that if they fall over on a child they will not be harmed. The sound of a screen falling over will scare the child and alert the parent to check on things.
Screens aren't just for the safety of children they are also important for adults as well. It is far too easy to brush up against a hot stove and get a burn. This is especially true when you have company visiting who may not be used to a wood stove.
A proper screen may also assist in preventing flammable materials from coming in close proximity to your wood stove. Once again children have a tendency to throw balls and dolls and all manner of things in all directions. A screen will prevent these objects from coming in contact with your stove. Thus saving your home from an accidental fire and also the child's toy, which could end up being a tragedy for people with children.
A screen does not need to be large and intrusive. Many are very decorative and ornate. The consequences of not having a screen are severe enough that nobody should consider burning a wood stove without one. So consider any of our attractive fireplace screens for a safe and beautiful new addition to your home.

Fireplaces, Pellet Stoves, Inserts MA, RI Blog

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