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Summer is the perfect time for Chimney Cleanings and Inspections

3 June 2011      

Summer is just around the corner and thank goodness we aren’t using our fireplaces for a while. This is the perfect time to schedule your chimney cleaning or inspection.

A clean chimney is a safe chimney. The type of wood you burn plays a large part in if you need to have your chimney cleaned. Burning green, wet wood makes your chimney need cleaning more often than dry, seasoned wood. However, chimney sweeping is an unregulated business. For this reason, people need to ask some questions, understand more, and be very vigilant when contracting someone to clean their chimney.

Your chimney should be cleaned and inspected every year to ensure that it is functioning properly, free of blockages, and safe for use. Additionally, if you are purchasing a new home, you are surely having a home inspection, consider a chimney inspection as well.

Even if you don't plan to use the fireplace, you should still have an expert inspect the chimney to make sure there aren't any leaks. If you are using central AC or heating, air could slowly escape through the chimney, leading to high utility bills. There are many potential dangers with chimneys, the most obvious problem in an older home being deterioration. The chimney itself or the flue liner could be slowly decaying. If you are planning on using the chimney, you want to fix a decaying chimney so gases cannot leak into your home and to keep flames and sparks contained within the fireplace and chimney.

At Fireplace Showcase our trained, knowledgeable, and licensed technicians have the knowledge and experience to handle any job, big or small.

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